[the view from their porch in Phnom Penh as a thunderstorm rolls in ]
For the past six years my daughter and her family
For the past six years my daughter and her family
lived in Cambodia.
Women Peacemakers is the organization she
supported and advised.
We are so very proud of her
and feel blessed to have had
two different month long visits with her in Cambodia.
Watching this takes me back both
in spirit and with cherished memories.
The Khmer language is music to my ears
but the suffering we saw breaks my heart.
Women Peacemakers
RISC is the organization her husband
supported and advised.
The Returnee Integration Support Center exists to support
deported Cambodian-Americans; to ease their transition to a new life in Cambodia.
The Returnee Integration Support Center exists to support
deported Cambodian-Americans; to ease their transition to a new life in Cambodia.

Your daughter and her husband were doing wonderful work there, I am sure. It is so sad, to think that this exists, but it does.
You were lucky to have been able to go visit!!
XO Kris
What an incredibly wonderful thing for your daughter and her husband to support. I have to admit the colors outside that window are beautiful.
Wonderful work your daughter is doing. How blessed you were to be able to visit.
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