Our whole family loves Ryan Grimm
Benjamin met Ryan in nursery school and they have been friends ever since . . .
through their childhood, adolescent years, high school, college, and now into adulthood
It was such an honor when Ryan agreed to perform Benjamin and Lindsay's wedding ceremony.
He did whatever it takes to get licensed/ordained in Georgia and took the task to heart.
Many friends remarked that it was one of the most personal
and moving wedding ceremonies they have attended.

One of my favorite parts was when he shared this hand blessing
Hand Blessing Ceremony
Ben and Lindsay, please face each other and place your palms together so you may feel the gift that you are to one another.
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief wracks your mind.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children and support your grandchildren.
These are the hands that will help you to hold your family together.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that - even when wrinkled and aged - will still be reaching for yours.
Ben and Lindsay, may you see your four hands as healer, protector, shelter and guide.
May these hands always reach out with love, tenderness and respect.
May these hands continue to build a loving relationship that lasts a lifetime.
By the way - we also love Ryan's wife Katie
who confessed to drawing funny(?) pictures in Ryan's script to help
him keep from getting choked-up {which he did every time he practiced}
Thanks Ryan from the bottom of our hearts . . .
To Friendship:
"There are wood ships, and there are steel ships,
Many ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be."
{wish I had the photo of Ryan
standing on a chair at the rehearsal dinner giving this blessing}
{photo credits: Adam Giese}