My son-in-law, Daniel, has been working with Cambodian-Americans who went to the US as refugees (usually as children, or even born outside of Cambodia in refugee camps along the Thai border) and were later deported back to Cambodia. Having been raised American, the challenge of integrating into Cambodian life is enormous & the struggle is very dear to their hearts.
The Phnom-Penh based group, Studio Revolt, created this powerful video called "My Asian Americana" to highlight the injustice & invisibility surrounding this issue. The video has been selected by the White House for the top-ten submissions to the "Tell Your Story Contest" contest and if they win, the creators will have the chance to go to the White House to speak about the issue of deporting refugees & perhaps, real change can occur in our policies.
If you are interested, please go & vote & share – by March 1, 2012

I voted. Best of luck to your daughter and family and the exiles they are helping.
The atmosphere of intolerance that has descended on our two countries disturbs me terribly. It's as though we have lost the ability to see that young people make mistakes and have abrogated our responsibility to correct them, guide them and help them take their place as contributing members of society. Why is it acceptable to ship them away? Whose grandfather or great grandfather didn't come to this continent with nothing at all - sometimes taking a new name, fleeing the terrible (but legitimate) regimes in the 'old country?'
So very sad.
I voted for this awesome video also!
Thanks for posting this, Mom!
I've watched the video several times.
Yes, I voted!
Blogging is more then family pictures, it's an expression!
Thank you for helping.
we are deeply touched. thank you all for your votes. each won counts. daniel and the folks at RISC are doing very important work. we are happy the fight is happening on multiple fronts. hugs to you all from Cambodia - Anida Yoeu Ali (artist of Studio Revolt)
What an interesting life they must be leading there!!!
This video was so interesting. You must be so proud of your children. I voted.
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