I have a blogging friend that I have never met but feel I know very well. We are faithful followers of each other's blogs and have many things in common
~ we were born in the same month (same year)
~ we were married in the same year
~ we are christians
~ we work in a public school
~ our daughters were married on the exact same day, both near Seattle, WA
~ we have grand-babies due in early 2011
~ we have a married son and fun daughter-in-law
~ we love to decorate, sew, cook and spend time with our families
~ our husbands each have a blog that they rarely update
~ I am going to Thailand in February, her son was recently there
I have come upon many blogs that I now faithfully read through the comments you have left on her blog and have enjoyed getting to know you too.
Over the past year we have surprised each other with a package or two.
I want to show you my latest gift from this generous friend.

How fun that I got to wear it today when I
made my first batch of Christmas cookies.
Thank you Christine for your kindness
and for keeping us "connected".
vista woman