In the end he left on his own but not before destroying our little pantry at the top of the basement steps. I wish I had a photo of that as you wouldn't believe the mess he made tearing everything off of every shelf.
It gave Jim the motivation to clean and paint and now it looks great!
We have lived in this house for 30 years and never painted those shelves. It was time . . .

Sorry about the raccoon! The shelves look great though now! :)
Better than a skunk I guess. Looks great now!
Bad, bad raccoon. Tell hubby that the shelves look great! dee dee
They look great!!! Doesn't that just make you smile to stand and gaze in!??!
Pantry love!
We have a pesky raccoon. But he's just bothering the bird seed far! lol.
And I am sure he had a wonderful time in there thinking "jackpot"! Glad he left on his own. Your hubby did a wonderful job with clean~up and repair!!! Have a wonderful day!
That coon must of been determined to get some good food. He must have read some of your blog posts.
He's like me and likes the way you cook and knew where you kept the good stuff.
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