We ate at this cafe today.

Daughters of Cambodia is a faith-based non-Government organization
reaching out to victims of sex trafficking in Cambodia.
We also did a bit of shopping while supporting this organization.

What They Do and Why?
Daughters has developed a unique model in Cambodia, one in which sex workers come direct to the organization from the brothels by choice. Daughters’ day centre, in the heart of an area of Phnom Penh brothels, reaches out to girls working as sex workers and offers them ways out of this situation. We are not a shelter, but we facilitate the girls' exit from the sex industry by providing a number of resources and programs that enable them to set themselves free and sustain healthy choices for their own lives. They come because they are already motivated to change their lives, and Daughters gives them choice and dignity in building a different future, that make their choices sustainable and respect their human rights.

This looks like great work. My daughter is involved in the same work in Durban South Africa.
Oh fantastic, a young lady form my church is involved in Tiny Hands which does a similar mission in a different country! I love to see God's hand in providing options to free women from this bond of slavery.
dee dee
Thanks for sharing, Mary!
What a worthwhile and challenging organization. I am so thankful for groups like this one and for all the freedom they offer these girls.
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