A picture is worth a thousand words.
I just love the way she looks at him.
Amanda & Daniel Talstra, MCC Cambodia
Our MCC assignment involves spending the majority of our time working at the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom Penh. In addition, Daniel works with the Returnee Integration Support Center. This organization assists Cambodians who were admitted into the United States as refugees and then later deported back to Cambodia. Amanda works with Women Peacemakers, an organization that provides training in rural provinces about women's rights, domestic violence, and conflict mediation.
We see God working in the people we meet who are working for the poor and marginalized in their own country. Cambodia is trying to recover from the horrors of the Khmer Rouge, while at the same time speeding into the globalized world. It is also a country that is leaving behind millions of poor farmers in rural provinces and disrespecting the human rights of many. The Cambodians we meet who are choosing to sacrifice of themselves and to stand up for the rights of their brothers and sisters remind us that God is at work in this country in a million small, but powerful ways.
Prayer requests:
•that Cambodian leaders will be wise and honest in their work.
•that God would provide for all those who are hungry, especially children who have high rates of malnourishment.
•for the Cambodian church to work in unity and serve as a powerful witness to Christ
•for us, that we would be diligent in the work we have been called to do and loving to all those around us.

What a remarkable couple!
I will gladly add their requests to my daily chats with God.
It must be hard for you but on the other hand, wow, how happy for them you must be, the way they are serving God and the world.
Thanks for posting, Mom. I hope you are having a relaxing time on the beach!
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