My friend Debbie asked me to describe our Bangkok neighborhood. It is really hard to put it in words. Perhaps maybe picture - two lane city side streets barely wide enough for cars to pass by each other, add street food vendors, motos weaving in and out, bumpy narrow sidewalks (not stroller friendly), little shops and great massage parlors, skyscrapers in the distance, pink or green taxis whooshing by, and the everyday afternoon rain storm. Then think - that all of that adds up to a neighborhood we have come to think of as having its own charm.

Good pictures, showing the view busy, and then clear...I bet that doesn't happen very much, though! I'm glad you are enjoying your stay ~
Thanks for sharing. It looks busy, busy, busy! interesting! How long will you be there?
XO Kris
great pictures and awesome description. I feel like I know where you live now . . and how cool that you've grown so comfortable that you can see the neighborhood's charm. Thanks so much for sharing and for honoring my request. we love to learn more about your adventures. Take care and know we miss you.
Wow.... What an adventure!
dee dee
My goodness,I'm way behind on what is going on. You are way away and a new baby. How exciting! Great pictures, everyone looks happy.
You asked about Richard, he was in plumbing and heating, worked for a company in Orchard Park.So now that he is retired I have a playmate for everyday. yippes!.
Nancy Jo
It is a part of the world that I am enjoying being able to see pictures of. The streets look a bit crowded, but I am sure they make the best use of the space they have.
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