I found this Playmobil Wine Bar while searching for Playmobil images.
I was excited about it until my son told me it is just an April Fool's hoax.

If they made it I would buy it
I was excited about it until my son told me it is just an April Fool's hoax.

If they made it I would buy it

Have a great day!!!
How funny! You should make one yourself!
They got you!
Ha Ha! Too funny!
I love Play Mobile...would never have guessed it was an April Fool though!
Haha! April Fool's!! It is cute though. It caught my attention. Have a great weekend.
This is great!! :)
What a great joke!!! But I would've believed it was real too and would want to buy it for you. in thanks for all that Wow hosting. . . Which son tipped you off?
How funny!
Happy April Fool's Day! :)
LOL!! Today I brought in a brownie pan covered with foil and told my students I made brownies for them...inside were brown e's :) They all took a brown e home to trick someone :)
That is great. We would buy one, too! Hope you're having a fun day :)
How fun! Happy April Fools!
Dee Dee
I'd order it too - and put it where we can both play with it.
Who new corporations could have a sense of humor!
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