Wednesday, August 31, 2011

mamie jane's

One of the most creative blogs that I read is Mamie Jane's
She is featured this week in Flea Market Style Magazine Fall 2011

Today when I was in Walmart I picked up a copy ($9.95 yikes!}
Feel free to borrow my copy or just check out her amazing blog for free.


  1. I very rarely buy magazines since they are so expensive but I do love this one. Going to have to look for it.

  2. I don`t know if that one is available up here. I`ve begun to take magazines out of the library, only buying the ones that are `keepers`!

  3. You are too, too kind!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful post. It really means a lot to me!!!

  4. I rarely read the junker/home decorating blogs, but I read through Mamie Jane's and loved it! Even though I will probably never make any of her projects, I loved seeing her creativity. My brain just doesn't think that way. Thanks for sharing the link.

  5. Thanks for the head's up. I will head over there right now.

  6. Dear Jane
    I have been trying to contact you to ask permission to view your blog. I don't know why I can't see it, love the yardstick tray.
    Holly Reed

    My email is

  7. It used to be my favorite blog. Now I can't get in to see it at all and can't ask permission to view it either. :(

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