Sunday, January 9, 2011

my clip company

It seems like many blog posts this month are posting about
getting organized. I want share with you a great item we
use that has really helped us over the years.

My Clip is a personalized magnetic clipboard.
It allows you to securely attach all of your
important papers to your refrigerator.

When my kids were at home everyone had a My Clip with their name
on it for schedules, homework, calendars, book orders, etc.

Now that we are empty nesters, I ordered some blank
My Clips and modge podged some pictures on them.

My Clip makes a perfect
birthday or holiday gift.
Guaranteed not to fall down!
Money back if not totally satisfied.

Such a great deal!
$6.00 each
including shipping

We ordered them from our friend's company . . .


  1. Cute idea! It is a good feeling to be organized.
    Will head oveer and check out your friends clip company!

  2. Oops....too fast on the keys.Lets try it again. This is a clever idea plus the front of the refrigerator is organized.

  3. What a great idea! You can't miss something if it's posted on the refrigerator! LOL!

  4. wow those look like such a big help! i may need to do this. where i keep papers now for the hubby...not working. but he likes the fridge, maybe if he sees his name... love it:)

  5. I put everything on my fridge. I love the clips that you made yourself. I am going to head right over to the link you put up. Thanks for sharing.

  6. These are great! I love the way each person has their own clip. Your newly decorated ones are beautiful!
    Dee Dee

  7. very cute modge podge! thanks for sharing!

  8. Great idea. I am going to check out your friend's company! Happy New Year!

  9. You sure are a creative lady! I learn so much from you. Thanks for sharing. I need all the help I can get in the organizing department.
