Friday, March 17, 2017

Grandma Mary's quilts

The baby quilts are finished and delivered.

Opal's Critter Pathways

Selah's Crazy Quilt

Silas's Catnap Quilt

They really were so much fun that now I am making one for napping on the couch.


  1. Wow....very nice! Pics are adorable!

  2. Nice!
    Each quilt has a special,personality theme.
    Your quilts are beautiful and so are the "new" grandchild.

  3. Oh my mercy, give me those babies! I just want to hug them. Love the quilts. What a special keepsake. Makes my old heart do a pitter patter! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Love these! I am a quilt behind and he's coming soon!!

  5. Where's Waldo? I see a hidden Jim Hastings in one of those photos

  6. Oh my, I was so pleased to pop in to my blog tonight, and see a message from you! I have been here to have a little catch up with you! Your beautiful babies!!!! All so big!!! The quilts!!! Fabulous!!!!!! I am assuming you are in Florida for the winter? Looks nice and sunny!!!
    I just took my camera out the other day and got the battery all charged to take some Spring photos and do a post. So stay tuned. I have missed you.
    XO Kris
