Friday, September 16, 2016


these cute cousins who
are just 6 weeks apart in age
recently spent a weekend together
{one from Vancouver - one from Vermont}

Selah and Opal

Grandma Mary, Pa Jim, and Uncle Seth

one more cousin coming in 4 weeks

more cousin are waiting

Ezra, Cedar, Selah, Amanda and Daniel


  1. Selah and Opal are so cute!

    I want to say the very same thing to you said to me!
    Yes, it does warm the heart to see our children and our children's children together. And yes, they are our future.
    Pretty soon you'll be catching up with me, with grandchildren.

  2. Love your family pics!!
    My granddaughters are 8 years old, 9 months old, and 1 month old. The grandson is 11. We have another baby on the way, too. I sure want to get some matching little outfits for the girls to wear at Christmas!

  3. Such cuties. We had 3 grandchildren each 6 weeks apart. We had fun taking their pictures together. The take outs were the best.

  4. The more the merrier, right? What cuties!

  5. Awwwe! Too cute...those two cousins! So nice to have the family together!

    PS Thanks for the visit over at My Front Porch! Judy

  6. Oh my goodness! Now these babies are just precious! Love the pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
