Tuesday, March 17, 2015

first farewell gathering

When I was teaching I always thought that the minute I began writing on
the June calender time raced and the end of the school year came faster.

Now in retirement I find that as soon as the first of our friends head north
time races and before you know it winter in Florida comes to an end.

First to leave Tome and Sharon {this week}

Then Kathy and Jim {next week}

Later Cindy and Tom {end of April}

Last in this group - us {first of May}

Safe travel friends

not yet pictured -  many other friends we have 
made at CCE and will miss over the summer


  1. Look at all of your tan and happy faces!!!
    XO Kris

  2. How neat! Have you met all those people there? I do love those tans. :)

  3. Wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit with me too! Made my day! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. So glad to have you stop by my blog. The snowmen have all gone now and we're waiting for it to warm up. Today was NOT warm at all. I hope it's feeling springlike by the time you return.

  5. I can believe you would miss these friends. What a good looking crew! What a good time in life for you all to spend the winters together.
