Wednesday, February 18, 2015


With spring around the corner we are expecting several sets of visitors.

A blog I enjoy summed it up well . . .

What I learned is that when family needs a place to stay they aren't looking for a luxury hotel, just a bed with clean sheets and a smiling face handing them a hot cup of coffee in the morning. When friends come to visit they don't expect a gourmet meal and a pinterest ready atmosphere, they just want a safe place to talk about the ups and downs of life. {Lemon Lane Cottage}


  1. Patty is a very wise woman. True words!!
    xo Kris

  2. This post makes me want to catch the next plane. A comfortable bed, and a hot cup of coffee, along with someone to just sit and talk with...what could be better! Your home looks so inviting! Along with the chicken dish in the previous post:)

  3. Looks lovely - we'll be right over. :)
