Sunday, February 1, 2015

the rent collector

My book club is now reading
The Rent Collector 

Though the book is a work of fiction, 
it was inspired by real people living at Stung Meanchey.

I loved this book.
When I finished it I sat frozen for quite awhile processing it all.

It had extra meaning to me as we have spent
several months in Cambodia in the past 4 years.

Here are a few of my photos that the book brought to mind . . .

{view from Amanda's 4th floor balcony - Phnom Penh}

{Amanda and Ezra - Prey Veng}

{recycling - Phnom Penh}

{traveling by moto - Phnom Penh}

{the blessing of having a foreign doctor - Phnom Penh}

{another blessing - dear friend Ming Kohm}

The Rent Collector is the story of a young mother, Sang Ly, struggling to survive by picking through garbage in Cambodia's largest municipal dump. Under threat of eviction by an embittered old drunk who is charged with collecting rents from the poor of Stung Meanchey, Sang Ly embarks on a desperate journey to save her ailing son from a life of ignorance and poverty


  1. Very interesting. I will have to find that book. My daughter was there several years ago. I enjoyed your pictures. Enjoy sounds wrong when they struggle to live but I think you know what I mean.

  2. Wow! This book must have come alive for you, having been there yourself. This is a most thought provoking post! The pictures depict a style of life that I know nothing about. I am so thankful for families like your daughters and the doctor who cared for her, that they dedicate their lives to these special people. Thank you for sharing this today.
