Friday, October 3, 2014

uncommon philosophy

"Keep only what you use, 
make peace with imperfection, 
and (seriously) help those in need."
{Real Simple Magazine April 2012}

I need this to be my mantra for one more month . . .


  1. Very wise words! But oh so hard to do!!
    xo Kris

  2. Pretty soon it won't be uncommon buy common! (That's a good thing)

  3. I must say... I like your example in pictures!
    The wisdom behind the collage is also well received! ;)

  4. Good, inspiring advice for me to take seriously, as I see you are too.

  5. We had to adopt this as our mantra when we moved to our little cottage. We also shop far less than we did when we had plenty of space.

    When I look at all of the fun holiday decor on blogs, my first thought is "what do I already have to make this work?" I like the challenge of decorating without buying more.
