Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daniel Talstra

I have two more wedding "shout-outs" 
{although there are many more friends and family
that made this wedding so special I could go on endlessly}

Daniel Talstra is our son-in-law
and this is the third time he has provided music for a family wedding.

The first wedding was in 2005 when he married our daughter 

The second wedding was in 2010 when Blaine married Lindsay Russell

The third time was in June when Benjamin married Lindsay Allen

All three times were very special to us.
We are blessed to have Daniel as part of our family.


  1. It is neat to have a musician in the family. Our son is a very talented musician too. He is a music teacher, and plays many instruments by ear. Not a single lesson. Amazes me!!!
    Beautiful family!!
    xo Kris

  2. What a nice tribute post to your son-in-law!

  3. What a beautiful family you have and your son in law is so talented. What a blessing he must be to the family.

  4. Wow! Your son-in-law sure received a kind and heartfelt tribute. They are a beautiful family!

    Thank you for all you have shared of the wedding. I enjoyed seeing every picture.

  5. Now that is very SPECIAL! How wonderful to have the "gift of music!"
