Monday, June 3, 2013

hip hip hooray

Today this little family arrives from Cambodia for a month long visit.

 I can't begin to tell you how excited we are.

  Phnom Penh International Airport.

Incheon International Airport (Seoul Korea)


  1. Oh my goodness! How is it possible that he has grown so much? Such a beautiful, sweet family and I know you'll have a wonderful time.

  2. My heart just jumped when I read this!
    What great kids. Looks like they can sleep anywhere.
    The excitement builds...

  3. Oh my goodness! Of course you're excited! Such loveliness.


  4. Wow, a whole month!? Have fun!!

  5. What fun! Enjoy every moment with your precious ones. Those"beds" at Incheon International Airport look amazingly familiar. They've provided many a tired traveller some repose.

  6. I am so happy for you! I can just imagine the joy and anticipation you feel. I love the picture of father and little one sleeping on the airport chair. Great pictures! I know they are in for a treat visiting with you and your family.

  7. What a wonderful Blessing to you have your kids & grandchildren with you for a month! Hip, Hip Hooray! :)
