Sunday, April 7, 2013

four years in cambodia

Our daughter and her family have spent the past
four years in Cambodia 
with 2 more years to go.
Although we miss them like crazy
we are proud of the difference they are making
in their current missions serving . . .  
Cambodian returnees & Cambodian women

You can read about their journey here


  1. I have read your family's blog and you are right to be proud of what they are doing for the Lord in Cambodia. I know what its like to have family so far away and to know that they are in God's will helps us to cope when we miss them so much.

  2. and that is such a great photo of them! So cute!

  3. What a good-looking family! You must be so proud of them.

  4. I have been following your blog for quite awhile now and it has been really interesting following their journey. I remember when you first became a grandparent and went there see your grandson. Thanks for the updates... they are a beautiful family!

  5. I've read their blog and must admit, I truly appreciate their take on the ministry they are involved with. I am sure they are speaking louder than they know and touching more lives than they could imagine, in their quiet, kind, and caring ways. Thanks for sharing their blog.
