Monday, January 14, 2013

david klinkenberg

How very blessed we were to hear the music of this talented Celtic violinist during church this week.
{especially since his tour schedule looks like this}

December 2-16, 2012
Island Princess Cruise
San Lucas del Sur to Limon Nicaragua to Costa Rica

December 22-29, 2012
Crown Princess Cruise
Cozumel Belize City Mexico Belize

January 12, 2013
Community Concert Series Concert - Venice Presbyterian Church
Venice FL

January 17-29, 2013
Island Princess
Puntarenas to Puntarenas Costa Rica

January 31 to February 09, 2013
Celebrity Century Cruise
Cabo San Lucas Lahaina Mexico Hawaii

etc . . .

"When David and his fiddle step out onto a stage, every row of the concert hall should be fitted with seatbelts, for this performer takes you on a ride. And that same transforming atmosphere is present in his recordings as well."


  1. Hi,
    Sounds like a nice Church service.Our church had nice music everyweek, it really adds a lot to the service.
    The audio books sound like a good idea, I would love it, but it would probably put Richard to sleep and he is the one driving.
    The two feet of snow we had is all gone, funny weather, wonder if it will be like last year?
    Nancy Jo

  2. Comforting, beautiful, uplifting music. Thanks for sharing it and this gifted musician. I appreciate the Celtic music.
