Monday, May 21, 2012


Many blogs that I love have comment moderation enabled.

I wish blogspot didn't make it so hard to read the words!

Sometimes after two or three attempts to prove I'm not a robot, I sadly just give up.


  1. I agree and the same thing happens to me, after three tries I give up. I added this feature to my blog recently because I was receiving spam comments. I dislike using it and would like to disable it. It's frustrating.

  2. I am game to give it two tries... after that I like you have to walk away! dee dee

  3. It takes such a lot of time - and it's hard on the hands to be typing all that extra stuff!

  4. I couldn't agree more. I'm just too old for reading foreign languages.

  5. I couldn't agree more. I'm just too old for reading foreign languages.

  6. I so agree with you...these things are really annoying!

  7. I totally agree with you. I am not sure what it proves. You read my mind this evening.

  8. What is with all the squiggly letters? My old eyes can't quite distinguish between them and I hate it when the come up. I just found your blog and I am lovin' it.

  9. Yes,I have to say I love it when a site I go on and leave a comment doesn't have this extra thing to figure out.
    Thanks for the button info. I have never had a problem with the buttons, but good to know.
    When are you coming home?
    Nancy Jo

  10. I agree thats why I made my blog verification free.. I can't see the words so well when they are really squashed so like you, I just give up..
