Thursday, February 16, 2012

your favorite k-cup

I have had my Keurig Coffee Maker for over a year now and
I'm looking for some suggestions from fellow k-cup users.

My go-to coffee is Newman's Own Extra Bold both regular and decaf.

{google image}

I am looking for some new kinds to try but don't
want to buy invest in a whole box in case I don't like it.

Do you have a favorite k-cup?


  1. We have downsized so much we don't even have a coffee maker. We use a filter and a V shaped, porcelain, Melitta coffee maker.

    Hope you find what you are looking for.

  2. Oh we love our Keureg. We have had it for several years, and I think it may be time to get a new one. But we use it to death. I brew coffee every morning in my regular pot, we use th ek cups mostly for a quick cup in the afternoon, and my kids use it all the time for hot teas, hot chocolate, and coffee! I buy a giant multi pak at Bed Bath & Beyond. This way you get to try a lot of them, and in a large family, someone always likes something in the pak! Oh, and you can use a coupon to buy it there too!!

  3. We have yet to get a Keureg, mostly because our favorite coffee is a local brand which doesn't come in "cups" I've see some of the coffee makers come with self fillable "cups", I think I've seen the fillable cups at Macys. Until our current coffe maker dies... we won't be upgrading... but if you find something you like plese share!
    If you like a strong coffee, Starbuck Espresso blend is yummy!
    It might come in cups?
    Dee Dee

  4. I awarded you a Versatile blogger award...please stop by and check it out!

  5. Oh dear.
    Oh d-dear dear dear (In my head, I sound like Piglet.)

    Now, I have to work at not coveting my blog neighbor's K cup.

    And me with only C cups.

    Just kidding. I couldn't resist.

  6. I am still attached to my Mr. Coffee maker. Many of my friends have Keurig coffee machines and I have tasted many fine cups of coffee, but I have not made the switch.
