Monday, November 7, 2011

grounded & blessed

Our daughter and her husband have been living in Cambodia for three years.
They both have commitment to service in their hearts and we are so proud of them.

amanda in kampong chamAmanda did a wonderful post on her blog about their time there . . .

. . . our time here has passed in the blink of an eye, life here has been much easier than we expected - filled with such joy, friendships & travel. but also harder too as we've had to un-learn a lot of the things, beliefs, assumptions, cultural certitudes we thought we knew, & we thought were solid docking points & that sort of education can be quite unsettling.

If you have a few minutes, I invite you to read her reflections about this journey in their lives.
we live in all we seek blog


  1. Your daughter, Amanda, is really a special person. Her heart is a big as the country of Cambodia.
    And what a great Mom! I have watched her blossom into this wonderful woman.

    You and Jim have earned the Amazing Parent Award.

    Matthew 7:16
    You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

  2. No wonder you are so proud! :)

    What a wonderful young couple with such commitment, love and service in their hearts. God will bless them for their faithfulness.

    Will they be returning to the US now or staying in Cambodia?

  3. What an adventure that would be...I will go see. You must be proud of her! :D

  4. What a blessing to have such a committed daughter and son-in-law. I know you are proud of them, as you should be.

  5. You should be proud! I love to see what others are doing for the Kingdom across the globe, our daughter is in South Africa with her family. God is gracious and compassionate!

  6. You have a very special daughter! She wrote a beautiful post.
