Sunday, November 27, 2011


We live in a five bedroom Victorian house {built in 1865} where we raised four children. Those children are all grown and gone now so it is a dream of mine to downsize.

There is a two bedroom ranch in our neighborhood for sale.
They had an estate sale last week so we went, not to buy anything but to look at the house. We decided that it really is too small for us but we did buy . . .

two swivel glider rockers for our bedroom

and on the way out we bought two hearth and plow rockers for our kitchen.

Somehow this doesn't seem like downsizing!?


  1. The chairs you bought for the bedroom are beautiful and love the rockers! I would imagine it would be hard to downsize from such a beautiful home filled with many memories. My parents have "tried" a few times, but haven't been able to actually put the for sale sign in the yard!

  2. You have a beautiful home. Sounds like the chairs you bought are meant for you & Hubby to sit down and enjoy it all the more - for awhile.

  3. From time to time The Great Dane and I talk about downsizing and even go to the odd realtor's open house. I'd welcome the opportunity/excuse to pare down the amount of stuff we seem to store, but we still like our space and this house suits us. It's a bit of a conundrum.

  4. Lovely purchases, too good for not getting! I like your house, it always seems a little sad to speak of downsizing, but I do understand. I'm still needing the space, but then again, we aren't empty nesters, lol

  5. She is a Grand Old Lady!
    Funny you mentioned "down sizing". We've been tossing it around, also.
    And you did score with those purchaces.

  6. Uh pulled a "Kris" for sure!!! I LOVE the lines and the fab Toile fabric on the chairs!!! The porch chairs are wonderful too. And your home sounds marvelous! We too have thought of downsizing, but we aren't ready yet. We have a big property that is a lot to take care of. But if we moved...what would I do with my chickens? I adore my hens!!! Have a lovely day!

  7. I love your house! Great finds also for your house. I guess that the downsizing will come when it is the right time.

  8. HaHa! No, it doesn't seem like downsizing. It does seem like great treasure and bargain hunting, though!

    I actually have had the dream to live in an old house like yours for basically all of my life. I've finally resigned myself to the fact that it's not going to happen. It was fun to dream, though.

  9. I had to smile at your downsizing attempt. I forced myself to stay away from garage sales this summer because I knew I would find some really awesome bargains. It was really hard. :)

    Your current home is lovely!

  10. Oh your home is so beautiful! I would find it hard to walk away from such a grand home! but from one who just downsized, there is something to say for gaining LESS space!
    Love your new purchases!
    Dee Dee

  11. HA! I had to laugh at this post. You'll get there ... I guess. (wink)

  12. Wow...beautiful house, beautiful cant possibly downsize now!

  13. I understand wanting to downsize, but I must tell you that I think your home is beautiful and so quaint. I think the rockers are perfect for it. Of course, any of those chairs will work in another house too. I drive by houses like yours and always slow down:)
