Friday, August 5, 2011


It was a huge step leap for us but we finally did it - gave up our landline.

Two things that helped us make up our mind
1) we are saving over $40 a month
2) we could keep our home phone# and port it to Jim's cell phone

Approximately 25% of all adults live in households with only wireless telephones
{Source: National Health Institute Survey }

To begin the porting process you need to contact your cell phone provider. They will take care of everything to take the number over from the landline carrier. Do not cancel service to your landline until the porting process is complete, or that number will become unavailable. Porting can take several days but we got our confirmation phone call an hour after we got home from the cell phone office.

You could add a new line to your cell service for your home#
but we have all 5 lines we are allowed already in use by these kids.

{photo taken in 1990 - long before cell phones - just saying}

So now if you call our home phone Jim will cheerfully answer on his cell phone.


  1. We gave up ours several months ago--never once missed it either!

  2. I would really like to do it but my husband seems to be attached to having a land line. Yes he does have a cell phone and we have plenty of minutes. I just don't know!!! Have a great week. Jude

  3. Wow, that makes sense! Unfortunately we don't have great cell service where we live so that is not an option for us. So glad you enjoyed "The Birth House", the setting, Nova Scotia, is only a few hours drive from where I live. This book won a few awards here in Canada.

  4. I think its been at least 5 years since we've had a land line. Don't miss it one bit.

  5. hmmm, I just may have to look into this, thanks, Mary.

  6. I use ours so little that I have thought about this. I'm glad to hear from someone who did it. Of course, ours would have to come to my line. What good would it do to call the husband if he's traveling for business all the time.

    Thanks for the info.

  7. We did this 2 years ago-- Not Port the house number; but get rid of land line all together... we love it!

    Congrats-- you should look for an electronics recycle center near by for that box of phones... I just saw they are having an event for that near us... too bad you're not in TEXAS!OR NOT,LOL! ...Pat

  8. What a burden (your phone) off your tables. So much more room.
    I wish we could get rid of your landline but it's tied into our security system.

  9. We have been thinking about doing this very thing. You inspired me to go through with it. Funny how life us so many changes.

  10. I feel so uncertain about cutting the cord. It would be a huge savings to do it. I think today I'll look into the porting thing. So many folks are doing this. I think our country is in such unsteady shape and things are only going to get worse that we have to find measures to save more.

  11. We just switched over to the "Magic Jack" which lets us use the phone through our computer. We still have house phones, but don't pay the monthly bill- just the cost of the Magic Jack thingy that was like $20. We didn't get to keep our old number though. (Canada's cell phone plans aren't as great as in the US, or we'd scrap home phones completely)

  12. Hi there, So glad you stopped by my place for a visit; it is nice to know you. Thank you for this info; seems more and more people are giving up landlines and just using cell phones but this makes it one step easier. You asked about the sculpture park-it is located in Loveland, Colorado.
    Have a great day.

  13. Ok you just confirmed it for me. We just gave it up last week and I was kinda freaking out. I havent missed it really, havent even noticed it was gone....but oh yeah, I do have an extra $50 a month in our checkbook. Yippee.... thanks for sharing and I am a newcomer to your blog....LOVE IT

