Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Last year at this time we had new neighbors moving in.

Now they are moving to their new house on the lake.

Although we are happy for them

we will miss them.

When I have my first cup of coffee I usually look out the back door

and see their kitchen light on.

This morning their house was dark.

We wish them well and wonder
who our new neighbors will be . . .


  1. I wish I were moving in. It's so pretty there! So green!

  2. Hopefully you will have new neighbors sooner than later. Also, love the picture of the duck sitting on the edge of the pool. When we had our pool every year we would have ducks do the same even during the summer. The would fly in and just swim around in the chlorine water. Go figure...enjoy your day. Jude

  3. It's always hardest for those left behind.
    Some of our best friends (neighboors) are now scattered all over the country.

    I remember your post, of them moving in.

  4. Here's HOPING for new neighbor's in that house soon! :)

  5. Oh I remember when they moved in! How funny, although I know you will be sad to see them go! It has been funny to hear my neighbors talk about my house on the market. They have been tossing around the "Funny Farm" plans, bringing out the babies in strollers, a teen for babysitting, the men in the drive way talking with the beer in hand, etc! Can't wait to see your post on who moves in next!
    Dee Dee

  6. Here's to hoping you have some great new neighbors!! Looks like a great neighborhood.

  7. Its always sad when friends move away. lets hope you can stay in touch. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be back!
