Thursday, September 23, 2010

word verification

I am curious if you use word verification
for your blog comments. I have removed it from my
comment section just to save commenters the extra step.
I haven't had and problems but am curious if I might?


  1. I just might remove it, too, based on what you find out.

  2. I started using it a couple months ago because I started getting spam. This extra step helped stop the spam so I will probably remove mine soon. Jude

  3. I don't use it at this time, and have not had any bigs problems to date. Of course, after the week I've who know what will happen next!
    Dee Dee

  4. I wanted to ban some guy from leaveing comments but I still didn't want to have my friends go throught the verifacation process. So, I looked up how to delete comments. This is what I came up with:
    Here's how: Sign in, go to SETTINGS and then to COMMENT settings.Then check the box for COMMENT MODERATION-always. Save settings. Now you should see the trash can logo after you are signed in, go to edit and then comments. I discovered this because I didn't want to always have to approve a comment and have it sent to me first, as it scares people away. But you CAN always delete comments. Again: Sign in, go to SETTINGS, then COMMENTS and check the box for COMMENT MODERATION ALWAYS.

    Sure hope this helps.

  5. I used to use it, but always hated the extra step on other blogs, and read from a veteran blogger that it really made little difference in receiving spam comments, which is its purpose in the first place. I've no problems without it. Fingers crossed. I also don't use music on my blog, as it can also be a detraction, in my opinion. Sometimes I read blogs late at night and if music starts blaring at me, I generally jump sky high and click off the blog quickly just to shut it up. Personal preference though.

  6. ... and if I start receiving spam comments, I will go back to the extra step, but I think the best approach to the extra step is to make sure it is visible at the time the commenter leaves a comment, instead of having to click and then the extra box appears. That is really time consuming. You can set it up that way from the "comment" settings.

    My two-cents worth.

  7. It is still up to debate as to what I think regarding this issue. My daughter me up with comment moderation after I had received some spam. It works for me although I no longer receive spam. I enjoyed reading your comments, especially about the music. Since music is a big part of my life, I really enjoy blogs with music, but I never want to annoy anyone so maybe I should reconsider. Music is a personal choice and maybe it should not be on blogs. As for commenting, if I want to comment on a blog I will go through whatever steps it takes. Either way, I enjoy visiting this blog.
