Thursday, April 22, 2010

poofy hair

I was intrigued by Judy's March 12th Post on her blog Just A Little Something for You about her Velcro rollers.

So . . . a trip to Target and here are my rollers.

This picture is not as cute
as Judy's with her granddaughter but . . .

Voila . . . Poofy Hair


  1. Good job...and great picture of you two.

    I use mine everyday. Love'em!

  2. I am so honored with this post. Really, who would have ever thought that when I humbled myself and shared that picture of me with the curlers in, and my little sweetheart with hers, that anyone would have chosen to attempt the same route. I must admit, your hair looks beautiful! If there is a way to help anyone, in any of my simple, silly blog entries...then I am happy. This truly did make me smile today. Thank you so much! I do enjoy your blog.

  3. I love the idea of no-clip-needed curlers but I think my locks are still too long for velcro. Yours looks great, however!

  4. Simply fabulous darling!
    Dee Dee
