Thursday, December 15, 2016

indoor wireless remote

I was looking for an easier way to turn our 
Christmas tree lights on and off.

I found an  Indoor Foot Switch Extension Cord but
 the cord was 15 feet long and would look cluttered

Then I found an  AmerTac Indoor Wireless 
Remote Plug-In Receiver Kit

Gotta tell you I love this little gadget.

on / off couldn't be easier


  1. I'm all for easy and this looks pretty good.
    Manually, unplug or plug in the extension cord, which is plugged into another extension cord, which is plugged into the wall outlet, which is behind some furniture.
    (Tom! Let's go to Walmart, now!)
    You are so smart.

    Wow! Your tree is really nice.

  2. Very nice! We plug in our tree in the outlet that works by the wall switch and that's pretty easy, too!
