Saturday, January 3, 2015

the blessings of friends

At the beginning of this new year I have been reflecting on
what a blessing it is to have such dear friends.

Looking back over the years I marvel at the variety
of places where we have met new friends.

We are so fortunate that our lives have
crossed paths with such amazing people.

childhood, high school, college, camp, work, athletics, clubs, blogging, church,
hometowns, family, bowling, biking, traveling, in-laws, retirement


  1. I LOVE the collage! Happy 2015 to you and best wishes for the upcoming year!

  2. This is a great way to salute those who have the pleasure to call you their friend.
    I hope you include me with all the others who you have touched.

  3. Friends are such a blessing! I couldn't live without my girlfriends. :)

  4. Your friendship has touched my life too! I can understand why you have so many friends. Wishing you joy in the year ahead! Thank you for blogging.
