Thursday, December 11, 2014

cookie decorating

This is the first time in 33 years we won't be with any of our children for Christmas. 
So . . . we needed to recruit friends for the traditional cookie decorating. 

Thanks Cindy and Tom.

Last year , , ,


  1. I would say your friends did a wonderful job! You must be a bit sad that your kids can't be with you this Christmas. Are you in Florida now?
    XO Kris

  2. Don't you love when friends step up to be there when our children are not? You all did a great job despite the sadness you may feel in their absence. I want to thank you too, for the amazing cookie recipes you shared with us all, especially the cracker and toffee ones:)

  3. Inviting friends over to decorate cookies is such a great idea!

  4. Sweet friends and sweet time decorating cookies together. It is amazing the difference being with our kids makes. Our upstate NY daughter and family will not be here for Christmas and even though all the other kids and grandkids will be, the holiday is more subdued. I know it will still be very special but it is so much better when we are all together.

    I was way too late getting my handmade gifts started this year so I only began baking today. I am hoping I have a chance to make the chocolate Pretzel Treats you shared a few days ago.

    Sending wishes for a Christmas filled with blessings!

    Kindly, Lorraine
