Thursday, November 21, 2013


Throughout our marriage we have been collectors.

{baskets, candlesticks, tins, wooden bowls, R. Atkinson Fox prints, aprons, scrabble games, 
quilts, grapes,watermelons, rocking horses, vintage table cloths, gurley candles, snowmen}

Although it was fun at the time - now what do we do with it all?

As a child my mother collected for me . . .
buttons and miniature lamps.

What shall I do with all of them?

Advice to my children: Don't collect anything!

Oh - and get rid of all those things Grandma collected for you 
{clowns, ducks, horses, sheep}


  1. I am laughing over here!!! My kids will probably be taking multiple trips to the dump and goodwill when I am gone! They don't share my interests in the things I collect!
    LOVE those mini lamps!!
    xo Kris

  2. I so agree with you. While I don't "collect" as in collect certain things (well, maybe a couple of things ... haha), I have way too much stuff.

    I've started paring it down, though. The problem is, the attic awaits.

    Oh, joy.
