Saturday, September 21, 2013

fruit fly bubbles

Recently Jim saw a linked-post on facebook describing a unique way to get rid of fruit flies.

You take a wide mouth jar and fill it 1/2 full with apple cider vinegar. No other vinegar will work. It has to be apple cider vinegar. Add a few drops of dish soap and then add some water until the bubbles reach the rim of the jar.

{image source: suburbanturmoil}

We left the jar on the island near our bowl of apples. The theory is the fruit flies are drawn by the scent of the vinegar, get caught in the bubbles and die.

When the bubbles disappeared we got out our milk frother and recharged the bubbles. We keep frothing our jar during the day. The post said it takes between 24 and 48 hours to get rid of all of them. We’ll see.

three down . . . 


  1. Good morning. I am here catching up. My, I have missed a lot! Great photos of the kids, and the babies, you standing in same spot in 81, as your son stands many years later, it looks like? Love the master suite!!! Love that color combo! And wow, I must remember this fruit fly trick!!!
    xo Kris

  2. Well, well .... never heard of such. Looks like it's working.

  3. Another way to use our milk frother!
    I wouldn't be able to leave ours out. Tom would surly use it for his coffee.

  4. they are pesky little things, aren't they?

    I've used Christine's method she posted last's a good one, too!

  5. Well.. It looks like it is working! What is the "body count" now?! :)
