Tuesday, September 3, 2013

fashion forward

I subscribe to about 10 magazines
{really? - too many!}

One is Traditional Home
although it is not a favorite

This month it was all about adding
what we call a pop of orange to each space

Last year while decorating our new Leisure House
we wanted orange to be our little pop of color

Here are some pages from the magazine
I love the bits of orange in each room
I guess we were indeed fashion forward . . .


  1. I never really was an 'orange' person, but those photos are very lovely! I like the pop of color...gorgeous!

  2. It's funny when you find out that you're in style.
    Fashion forward, love it.

    Your place is lovely.
    Going back soon?

  3. While orange isn't my favourite colour, a 'pop' of it is certainly pretty!
    Ten magazines? Wow! I don't even subscribe to one....but lest you think I am too, too frugal, I have to admit to buying a wide assortment at the news stand!

  4. The orange sure adds a pop to the rooms, alright!


  5. I like the pop of orange! Know what you mean about magazines!! I get way to many too. Yes I think I'm back to blogging I was going to try and stop didn't work.
    Nancy Jo
