Saturday, July 27, 2013

Corey Preston, Esq.

Our whole family loves Corey Preston

Benjamin met Corey in Sunday school and they have been fast friends ever since . . .
through their childhood, adolescent years, high school, college, and now into adulthood.

{Boyz n the Church a.k.a. Ah-Men}

It was such an honor when Corey agreed to be Benjamin's best man.

He did his job with his usual flair, planning a fun bachelor weekend at the Maryland Shore
and touching all of our hearts with his toast at the wedding.

One of my favorite parts was when he shared memories of his times 
"hanging out" with the Hastings - we still think of him as one of our own.
He reminisced about my constant advice for them all to "make good choices".
It appears they all have done just that.

By the way - we also love Corey's wife Alison and love spending time 
with them when they visit home as well as in Colorado where they now live.

Thanks Corey from the bottom of our hearts . . .

{photos by Adams Giese}


  1. Oh those are the best kinds of friends! The ones who last through a childhood, and grow with us into adulthood!
    Your home must have been like mine. Always the teens here. I was home, so it was the place to hang out. I made sure they were all behaving, and the other parents knew I watched like a hawk!
    Good times!!!
    xo Kris

  2. What a gift a friend from youth is! Corey has a beautiful smile.

  3. This looks like a very special friendship and many happy memories made.

  4. And to think it started with Little Mermaid. . . . so many good times and special memories for all of us over the years. "Friends are the family we choose. ." Lucky Corey. . and us too. .

  5. You have a special way of sharing those who mean so much to you and your family. This is a good example of that and I can't help by think how blessed he will be when he sees this. I do like your advice to the young guys, and I am sure you influence was valuable.

    Good looking couple!
