Saturday, November 19, 2011


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25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

My favorites . . .
infinity ~ magic trick ~ twist and pull


  1. Thank you for the share, I watched it all, it was very well done!

  2. Whew! So many new ways for me to try.
    I wear scarves almost everyday. This has shead a new light on how to wear them.

    Isn't she adroable?
    Music is fun, also.

  3. Now I know why I saved all my scarfs! Great video! Judy

  4. Coolness! Scarves are really the thing now. I went to a Christmas market the other day and I believe 90% of patrons were wearing scarves. I felt a little left out, so I bought one. HA!

    I didn't see the "braid" on here. I used to wear that style a lot and got loads of compliments.

    For smaller scarves, the "rose knot" is a neat style.

  5. I love to wear scarves, and lots of those were new to me!!
    This is Kris, from Simplify, even though it says Gennifer from Hass House. WE are babysitting the grands!!!

  6. This is wonderful. Thx for sharing this!

  7. How fun! I never wear scarves but now I want too. How's your sweet grandson? I tried to reply about the g-diapers but blogger wouldn't let me. Love that idea! Thanks for letting me know.

  8. What a fun post! And a great post too. You see demos in the store, walk out and forget...with your post a revisit and know again...Love it!

  9. Oh my love these ideas! Is she for hire? :)
    Dee Dee
