Sunday, June 26, 2011

open-eyed sneeze

My daughter's friend, Jessica Martin, has published her first novel.

The setting is our little village, Brockport, and provides a humorous account of life after college.

I’m a farm girl at heart and the idea for this book was planted here. ~ Jess Martin

We had the pleasure of attending a book signing for Jessica last evening and it was fun to reconnect with the whole Martin family. The only thing that would have made it better is if we could have attended her book signings in Boston or NYC!

Her book is dedicated to her family . . .
"There when I laughed, there when I cried. Usually responsible for both."

Open-Eyed Sneeze is available for sale at the Harvard Book Store.

"A perfect gift for graduates attempting to make meaning of it all, this refreshing first work will keep you laughing through the most frustrating of post-collegiate questions - Now what?" - Harvard Book Store

Here is the link to buy the book if you are interested.

Congratulations Jess!


  1. That is so exciting! So many people are going through this in their lives right now, it should be a big hit! Congrats Jess!

  2. How exciting to be published! Congrats to your friend.

  3. I'll bet the whole town is proud - and quickly reading to see which characters look a little familiar.
    Congratulations to your friend!

  4. How exciting to go to her book signing.
    I laughed when I read her dedication to her family.
    Great title. It makes you want to read her book and find out just how she came up with it.

  5. Thank you so much, Mrs. Hastings!!! What a nice post! I really loved seeing you guys and thanks again for your support! I'm thrilled to hear everyone in the family is doing so well! All the best!

  6. Oh very exciting! Ahhh, dreams do come true! Congratulations Jess!

  7. What an encouragement you must have been to post about her, her book and the signing. I like the title she choose and I do hope to purchase the book and read it.
