Wednesday, May 4, 2011

beach read #3

each time I picked it up I read slowly as
I didn't wanted the story to end

"The Birth House is an astonishing debut, a book that will break your heart and take your breath away…To read The Birth House is to enter a world, a richly imagined and keenly observed ….To say this is a powerful debut is to damn Ami McKay's novel with too faint praise; it is an altogether remarkable work from an impressive new talent." ~~~ Ottawa Citizen


  1. It's now on my list. Thanks a bunch!

  2. I don't think I've ever read a stronger recommendation for a book.
    This will be my next book!

  3. I love books like that! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks! Looks like a good one, I am heading to my library to see if they've got it!
