Monday, May 24, 2010

flirty thirty

These sweet young girls that I work with just had a
Flirty-Thirty Party.
Thirty is a great decade of your life.
I know they will enjoy every minute of it.
Happy Birthday Amy and Ali . . .


  1. How fun!
    I remember 30... so very long ago!
    Dee Dee

  2. Flirty Thirty...I called it my Crying Stage.
    Had two little ones and we had started our business.
    When the business phone rang, I had to became the President of our company. After the call, I went back to changing the diapers of two toddlers. That was years ago.

    Happy Birthday Girls!

  3. My thirties...some great memories, and some periods that feel like a total blurrrrrrrrrr! Busy years. Three little girls. All grown up now! Wishing both of your colleagues a wonderful birthday and much joy in their journeys!

  4. Oh the memories of life in my thirties. I never heard of a "flirty thirty" part. Sounds like fun. Happy Birthday Amy and Ali!
