Thursday, August 30, 2012

blue moon

Where will you be when the blue moon rises on Friday evening?

We will be on the southern shore of Lake Ontario raising a glass of Blue Moon Ale and eating a Moon Pie with friends.

For more than half a century, whenever two full Moons appeared in a single month (which happens on average every 2 1/2 to 3 years), the second has been christened a "Blue Moon." {Farmer's Almanac}

Monday, August 27, 2012

what we think we become

Watching a movie on a rainy afternoon . . . inspired.

The Iron Lady (2011)

Margaret Thatcher:
Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny!
What we think we become.

Friday, August 17, 2012


At 5:30am today Amanda, Daniel, and Cedar moved to Bangkok, Thailand to await the arrival of baby #2. They will be there until the baby’s birth {September 18th?} and then, when the little one gets a passport, will return to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In 19 days Jim and I will join them on this journey, staying for 6 weeks. Lucky, lucky us.

Cedar 19 months old ~ Amanda @ 35 weeks pregnant

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3-2-1 "cup" cakes

{photo from Betty Crocker website}

1 box angel food cake mix
1 box cake mix ~ any flavor

Mix the 2 cake mixes together in a gallon zip-lock bag.

3 ~ To make the cake: put 3 tablespoons cake mix in a coffee/tea cup
2 ~ Mix this with 2 tablespoons water
1 ~ Bake in a microwave 1 minute (cake will pull away from the sides of the cup)

I sometimes add a spoonful of chocolate chips on top when it comes out so they melt

Let this rest for 5-10 minutes and serve
Topping ideas: powder sugar, frosting, choc chips, fruit, whipped cream

{about 80 calories}

I have also made these in a cupcake paper in a small Pyrex bowl.

My dear friend at Vista Woman shared this recipe on her blog.

{photo from Vista Woman website}

Friday, August 10, 2012

1,864 islands

To count as one of the Thousand Islands these minimum criteria have to be met:
1) Above water level year round;
2) Have an area greater than 1 square foot; and
3) Support at least one living tree.
